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Summer School, The University of Edinburgh CRC - Day 4

On the fourth day of the summer school in the Centre for Research Collections, we looked into the management of museums collections: which soft wares are used to cataloguing collections, how to describe an object in detail when cataloguing it, how to purchase, rent items and where to store them. This part of the summer school also gave us the opportunity to discover the University's art collection and storage facilities.

After this, we discovered the possibilities and conservation opportunities that 3D printing and scanning, as well as how VR/AR can be used in museums or for other educational purposes.

The afternoon was spent in St. Cecilia's Hall where the musical instrument collection of the University is displayed. It is a huge and extremely varied collection of instruments from every era and place.

This day's last session was on heritage tourism and we had a practical exercise where we had to design and promote an event for a specific target audience.

Images: taken by myself in St. Cecilia's Hall.

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